7 Ways to Follow Up After an Interview Without Being Pushy

Following up after a job interview is a critical step in the job search process that can significantly impact your chances of securing the position. A well-crafted follow-up not only demonstrates your continued interest in the role but also reinforces your qualifications and professionalism.

However, it is essential to strike the right balance between being proactive and respectful, ensuring your follow-up is seen as courteous rather than pushy. A great way to make a quality conversation is to learn some additional insightful questions.

In this article, we will explore seven effective ways to follow up after an interview, helping you maintain a positive impression and stay top of mind with your potential employer.

1. Send a Thank-You Email

Follow Up Email After an Interview

Sending a thank-you email is a crucial step that should be taken promptly after the interview, ideally within 24 hours. This email serves multiple purposes: it expresses gratitude for the opportunity, reinforces your interest in the position, and allows you to briefly reiterate your qualifications.

Key Elements of a Thank-You Email

  • Subject Line: Keep it clear and relevant, such as “Thank You for the [Position] Interview.”
  • Greeting: Address the interviewer by name to personalize the message.
  • Opening Paragraph: Begin with a sincere thank you for the opportunity to interview and mention the date of your interview.
  • Body Paragraph: Reinforce your interest in the role, highlight a specific part of the interview that you found particularly engaging, and reiterate how your skills and experience make you a great fit for the job.
  • Closing Paragraph: Politely inquire about the next steps in the hiring process, express your eagerness to hear back, and indicate your availability for any further information or follow-up discussions.
  • Signature: Include your full name and contact information.


Subject Line

Thank You for the Marketing Manager Interview

Email Body

Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you for taking the time to meet with me yesterday to discuss the Marketing Manager position at ABC Company. I appreciate the opportunity to learn more about your team and the innovative projects you are working on.

Our conversation about the company’s approach to digital marketing and your insights into future campaigns were particularly inspiring. I am excited about the possibility of contributing to such a forward-thinking team with my background in digital marketing and my passion for creative strategy.

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I look forward to the next steps and am eager to continue our conversation.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address]

Why It’s Effective

This thank-you email is effective because it is timely, personalized, and professional. It shows gratitude, reiterates interest, references specific parts of the interview, and politely asks about the next steps. By sending such a thoughtful and well-structured email, you leave a positive and lasting impression on the interviewer, which can be crucial in a competitive job market.

Ensuring that your thank-you email is error-free and tailored to the specific details of your interview will further demonstrate your professionalism and attention to detail. This small but significant step can often make a substantial difference in the hiring decision, helping you stand out among other candidates.

2. Ask About Next Steps Before Leaving the Interview

Follow Up questions After an Interview

One of the simplest yet most effective ways to ensure a smooth follow-up process is to ask about the next steps before leaving the interview. This shows your proactive nature and keen interest in the position while providing you with a clear timeline and understanding of the hiring process.

Key Steps to Take During the Interview

  • Timing: Towards the end of the interview, when the interviewer asks if you have any questions, is the perfect moment to inquire about the next steps.
  • Phrasing: Frame your question in a way that shows your enthusiasm for the role and your desire to stay informed. For example, “Can you tell me what the next steps in the hiring process are?”
  • Details to Gather: Ask about the timeline for making a decision, whether there will be additional rounds of interviews, and the best way to follow up.
  • Documentation: Make sure to write down any important dates or instructions provided by the interviewer.

Example Dialogue

You: “I appreciate the opportunity to interview for this position. Could you share what the next steps in the hiring process are?”

Interviewer: “Sure, we will be making our decision within the next two weeks. If you are selected for the next round, you will be contacted by our HR department for a second interview.”

You: “Thank you for the information. Should I follow up via email if I haven’t heard back within two weeks?”

Interviewer: “Yes, an email follow-up would be appropriate. Feel free to reach out to me directly if you have any further questions.”

Why It’s Effective

By asking about the next steps before leaving the interview, you accomplish several things:

  • Clarity: You gain a clear understanding of the hiring process and what to expect next.
  • Timeliness: Knowing the timeline helps you schedule your follow-up appropriately, ensuring you don’t appear pushy.
  • Preparation: This information allows you to prepare any additional materials or follow-up emails ahead of time.
  • Professionalism: It demonstrates that you are organized and serious about the opportunity.

3. Send a Handwritten Note

Follow Up Note After an Interview

Sending a handwritten note can set you apart from other candidates and leave a memorable impression on the interviewer. This thoughtful gesture shows a personal touch and reflects your genuine appreciation for the opportunity.

Key Elements of a Handwritten Note

  • Timing: Send the handwritten note promptly, ideally within a day or two after the interview, so it arrives shortly after your initial thank-you email.
  • Stationery: Use professional-quality stationery or a simple, elegant card. Avoid overly ornate designs that might detract from the professionalism of your message.
  • Message Content: Keep the message brief and focused. Express your gratitude, reinforce your interest in the position, and reiterate a key point from your interview.
  • Handwriting: Write legibly and neatly to ensure your note is easy to read.


Dear Mr. Smith,

Thank you very much for taking the time to meet with me on Tuesday to discuss the Marketing Manager position at ABC Company. I truly enjoyed our conversation and learning more about your innovative marketing strategies.

I am very excited about the opportunity to contribute to your team and bring my background in digital marketing to ABC Company. Please feel free to contact me if you need any additional information.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of working together.

Best regards, [Your Name]

Why It’s Effective

A handwritten note is effective for several reasons:

  • Personal Touch: It shows that you went the extra mile to express your gratitude, which can make a lasting impression on the interviewer.
  • Memorability: In a sea of digital communications, a physical note stands out and is more likely to be remembered.
  • Professionalism: It demonstrates your attention to detail and commitment to professional courtesy.

4. Connect on LinkedIn

Linked in Follow Up After an Interview

Connecting on LinkedIn after an interview is a strategic way to maintain a professional relationship with your interviewer and stay top of mind. This approach is particularly effective if you’ve already discussed LinkedIn during your interview or if your industry is heavily network-driven.

Steps to Connect on LinkedIn

  • Timing: Send a connection request within 24-48 hours after the interview, ideally after sending your thank-you email.
  • Personalize the Request: Always include a personalized note with your connection request to remind the interviewer who you are and express your gratitude for the interview.
  • Message Content: Your message should be concise and polite. Reference a positive aspect of the interview and reiterate your interest in the position.

Example Message

Hi Mr. Smith,

Thank you again for the opportunity to interview for the Marketing Manager position at ABC Company. I enjoyed our conversation about digital marketing strategies and am very excited about the potential to join your team.

I would like to connect here on LinkedIn and stay in touch.

Best regards,
[Your Name]

5. Provide Additional Information or Materials

Provide Additional Information after interview

Providing additional information or materials after an interview can showcase your enthusiasm and add value to your application. This approach demonstrates that you are proactive and willing to go the extra mile to secure the position.

Steps to Provide Additional Information

  • Identify Relevant Materials: Consider what additional information or materials could reinforce your qualifications. This could include a portfolio, work samples, a project proposal, or further details about your experience.
  • Timing: Send these materials within a few days of the interview, ensuring they are timely and relevant.
  • Subject Line: Use a clear and direct subject line, such as “Additional Information for [Position] Application.”
  • Email Content: Write a concise email explaining why you are sending these materials and how they relate to the role you are applying for. Reiterate your interest in the position and your appreciation for the opportunity.

Example Email

Subject Line

Additional Information for Marketing Manager Application

Email Body

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this message finds you well. Following our interview for the Marketing Manager position at ABC Company, I wanted to share some additional information that I believe further demonstrates my qualifications for the role.

Attached, please find my portfolio, which includes examples of successful marketing campaigns I have led. I have also included a brief proposal outlining some initial ideas for enhancing ABC Company’s digital marketing strategy.

Thank you once again for the opportunity to discuss this exciting role. I remain very enthusiastic about the possibility of joining your team and contributing to your innovative projects.

Please let me know if there is any additional information I can provide. I look forward to hearing from you.

Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address]

6. Handle Silence Professionally

Handle Silence Professionally after job interview

Handling silence professionally after an interview can be challenging but crucial. If you haven’t heard back after your follow-up attempts, it’s important to remain professional and courteous while continuing your job search.

Steps to Handle Silence

  • Give it Time: If you don’t receive an immediate response, give it a few more days or a week before making any further contact. Hiring processes can often take longer than expected.
  • Final Follow-Up: Send one last polite follow-up email after an appropriate amount of time has passed, typically 10-14 days after your last contact. This email should express your continued interest while acknowledging the interviewer’s busy schedule.
  • Stay Positive: Maintain a positive and respectful tone, regardless of the lack of response. This leaves a good impression in case there are future opportunities.

Example Email

Subject Line

Final Follow-Up on Marketing Manager Interview

Email Body

Dear Mr. Smith,

I hope this message finds you well. I wanted to follow up one last time regarding the Marketing Manager position at ABC Company. I understand that you likely have a busy schedule and many candidates to consider.

I remain very interested in this opportunity and am eager to contribute to your team. If there have been any updates or if you require any additional information from me, please let me know.

Thank you once again for considering my application. I hope to hear from you soon.

Best regards,
[Your Name] [Your Phone Number] [Your Email Address]

7. Stay Engaged and Prepared

Stay Engaged and Prepared after job interview

Staying engaged and prepared after an interview can help you remain ready for any potential next steps and demonstrate your continued interest in the role.

Steps to Stay Engaged and Prepared

  • Continue Researching: Keep researching the company and its industry to stay informed about any developments that could be relevant to your role.
  • Develop New Ideas: Think of new ideas or projects that you could bring to the role, demonstrating your proactive mindset.
  • Prepare for Follow-Up Interviews: Stay prepared for any additional interviews by reviewing your previous notes, refining your talking points, and practicing your responses to potential questions.

Example Scenario

You interviewed for a marketing manager position and were told that there might be a second round of interviews focusing on strategic planning.

What You Can Do

  • Research: Look into recent marketing campaigns by the company, analyze their effectiveness, and think of suggestions for improvement.
  • Plan: Develop a strategic plan that outlines how you would approach your first 90 days in the role, focusing on key marketing initiatives.
  • Prepare: Rehearse your presentation and be ready to discuss your plan in detail during the follow-up interview.


Following up after an interview is crucial for maintaining a positive impression and demonstrating your continued interest in the position. By implementing thoughtful and timely follow-up strategies, you can effectively reinforce your qualifications and professionalism. These approaches not only help you stay top of mind with potential employers but also show your proactive and respectful attitude towards the hiring process. Adopting these practices can significantly enhance your chances of success in securing the job.